I'm pleased to announce that an EXCLUSIVE print of Ironhide will be available from the Apocalypse Comics stall at LFCC. The print has been drawn by the awesome Transformers artist Casey Coller and coloured by moi, as a tie in to Casey's IDW mini-series "Ironhide".
The print is extremely limited and once they are sold out there will never be any more printed, so snap them up while you can.
Only a day to go until the LFCC www.londonfilmandcomiccon.com Last years was amazing and hopefully this year will be even better!. This year I'm there again colouring sketches while you wait. I'll be at the Apocalypse Comics www.apocalypsecomics.com booth where the confirmed artists will be my lovely lady Jess Bradley www.iconvenkman-project.deviantart.com and www.iconcirus5555.deviantart.com and for those that want it I'll be colouring. I'm also happy to colour any sketches brought to me from any artist on the day. If you have colour reference that would be handy!
For anyone who purchases a sketch (or brings me a sketch) an extra £10 will get you a fully coloured version of your headshot sketch, and a full body sketch for an extra £15. Examples from last year are here: http://wordmongerer.deviantart.com/art/Con-TF-Colourings-131336730
They'll be coloured and printed out high quality on glossy photopaper as fast as my wee hands will carry them and ready for you to take away on the day. If you want them on the day its best to come over to me ASAP as the slots fill pretty quick. Anything not done on the day (or if you don't mind waiting) will be sent in the post ASAP after the event. If anybody has already purchased a sketch and would like it coloured BEFORE the show to collect there then let me know.