And some postcards that look a bit like this:

In order to get ready for it (and this was a VERY last minute decision) I've been panic colouring like a good 'un. My latest colouring was over the artwork of the incredibly talented Chris Stevens and was of his marker-rendered Iron Man. I love the energy of his piece although I struggled a bit to translate it into colour at first, all the things that made his work awesome seemed dimmed by the addition of colour. After much fiddling I managed to get something I'm pleased with. I look forward to working with him more!

Wow! Your artworks are awesome. THis looks like a cool blog I'd frequently visit :)
Thanks very much! I look forward to seeing you on here! If you click on the picture in the right hand column it'll take you to my deviant art page with a lot more of my stuff on there.
See you at the weekend man!
Btw, aren't there two 'F's in off Wordmongerer? ;-)
Yeah well f*ck of Parrish! ;)
On a serious note - didn't know you were on Blogger too...
Well, I figured that I was reading more blogs on here than I was on LJ so it kinda made sense - also I agreed with the whole 'a bit more professional than an LJ' idea, so yep - here I am!
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